PPE donation

Aurora Brunovsky

Brunovsky collects masks and raises funds

Aurora Brunovsky, a 2009 Penn State alumna and member of the University's Human Resources team, helped raise funds to donate over 1,000 masks to local non-profits in need. "We want to unite people in our community and give them a way to give back if they can’t find one,” she said.
PEE Donation

Penn State Berks donates PPE to health network

With cases of the coronavirus increasing daily in Berks County, the need for medical supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE) is also growing exponentially. Penn State Berks answered that call with a large donation of items.
COVID Face shield

Berks alum designs face shield component for COVID-19

To help during the COVID-19 crisis, Penn State Berks alumnus and entrepreneur Joe Sinclair's Reading-based 3D-printer manufacturing business, Verde Mantis, has created a design that is being used to print the component of face shields that holds the translucent shield in place.