Earth and Environment

Spotted Lantern Fly

Berks center supports spotted lanternfly research

It all began when Penn State Berks Professor Michael Fidanza was approached in 2018 by researchers from the College of Agriculture Sciences who needed a site to conduct a preliminary investigation on the biology and life cycle of the spotted lanternfly.
Michelle in front of barn

Mart investigates the food industry

Chances are that you don’t think about industrial agriculture and its effect on the environment and local farming when you’re going through the drive-through of your favorite fast-food restaurant, says Michelle Mart, associate professor of history at Penn State Berks.
film poster

Penn State Berks hosts film screening of 'Racing to Zero'

Penn State Berks will host the screening of the film "Racing to Zero," followed by a presentation by Jane Meeks, executive director of the Berks County Solid Waste Authority, at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10, in room 5 of the Luerssen Building on the Berks campus.