Penn State's sexual misconduct climate survey will close on April 22. The survey was sent to a random sample of students at all Penn State campuses; students can check their Penn State email for a link to complete the survey. The University-wide survey is designed to assess issues of sexual assault, misconduct and harassment.
Well more than 100,000 students, alumni, friends and fans of Penn State are staying connected to the University through Penn State's official page on Facebook and through two accounts on Twitter. The University's official page on Facebook, at, is a hub of daily activity for more than 104,000 Penn Staters. On Twitter, thousands are following two official University feeds at and
Colleges and universities are facing difficult financial decisions stemming from the widening global economic crisis. In a discussion this week at Faculty Senate, Penn State President Graham Spanier reassured community members that the University is on solid financial ground, but will face serious challenges because of a $21.2 million recission from the state.
Many areas of Pennsylvania already have seen the first significant snowfall of this winter season, and others saw a preview of what is to come. Soon winter will officially be here and bad weather will be playing havoc with schedules. Other situations may arise that affect the ability of the campus -- students, faculty and staff -- to function normally. In those situations, it is critical that the University be able to reach as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. The PSUTXT text-messaging system is a key tool by which Penn State can communicate directly with the University community in these situations. Don't be caught uninformed. Sign up for PSUTXT, and have messages sent directly to a cell phone when bad weather delays or cancels classes, or if another emergency situation arises. To register, visit online. For information, contact Annemarie Mountz at
All Penn State students, faculty and staff are encouraged to enroll in PSUTXT, an easy and accessible system that lets them know via cell phone when classes are canceled due to weather conditions or if the campus has an emergency situation. Sign up now for PSUTXT and, when necessary, Penn State will send a text message alert directly to your cell phone and/or e-mail account. To register, visit and click on the PSUTXT REGISTER button at the bottom of the page to sign up. For information, contact Annemarie Mountz at