Advising Information
Proper advising for scheduling courses is a crucial element in the scheduling process. Students should plan on seeking their advisor at least once a semester, typically after the college meetings. Other times a student should see an advisor are when:
- Changing a major
- Changing an option within your major
- When considering a minor
- Transferring
- Dropping or adding a course
Your degree audit tells you who your advisor is. If no advisor is listed, contact Mike Stella in the Division of Undergraduate Studies.
College Meetings
The campus holds college meetings each semester for group advising just prior to scheduling courses for the following semester. It is very important to attend these meetings because this is the time that students are informed about any new changes within their degree program and any important scheduling information, as well as a time to pick up the new course selection packet for the following semester.
For more information about the Bachelor of Science in Business at Penn State Berks, email the Program Chair.