Berks' mainstage production, 'Now and Then,' to stream online

two men are sitting at a bar, one man talking animatedly, and a woman is sitting backward at a piano bench listening
Credit: Penn State Berks Theatre

WYOMISSING, Pa. — The Penn State Berks theater program will stream its spring mainstage production, "Now and Then," online produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. The play will premiere at midnight on Wednesday, April 28, and will be available online until May 1. Viewers will be able to stream the production via Broadway on Demand by either logging in with an existing account or registering as a new user.

"Now and Then" was written by Sean Grennan. It is produced by Jim Brown, chair of the Penn State Berks theater program.

According to Playscripts Inc.:

“Sometimes what happens after last call just might change your life. One night in 1981, just as Jamie is closing the bar where he works, a desperate last-minute customer offers him and his girlfriend Abby $2,000 to sit and have a drink with him. Who wouldn't take it? As the trio swaps stories and Jamie considers the decisions he faces about his musical career and his future with his girlfriend Abby, the young couple begins to realize that this older man is unusually invested in their choices... and the reason he gives them is completely unbelievable. But when a very displeased second stranger arrives, the unbelievable begins to look like it just might be true. ‘Now and Then’ is a heartfelt romantic comedy about the costs of the choices we make, and the people who make them with us.”

The cast and crew members are all Penn State Berks students. Information sciences and technology major Michael Hall plays Jamie and theater major Marie Durkota plays Abby. The cast is rounded out by Matthew Vera as the character Man and Tessa Eberlein as the character Woman.

Theater major Vince Coughlin directs the production, Cori Strauss serves as the production stage manager, and Andrew Romanelli serves as the videographer and video editor. Heather Alexander serves as sound designer; Penn State theater faculty member Cory Palmer serves as technical director, costume designer and scenic designer; and Katalina Smith serves as associate costume designer and makeup designer. Lighting design is by Christopher Connelly. The technical crew is composed of Naayah Bailey, Andrew Beam, Tianna Hamilton, Tyler Mills, Jamie Moyer, Jeivian Ramos Torres, Renee Shapiro and John Werkley.

For more information, contact Brown at