PSU Alumni Mentoring Program
The best mentors are people whose own enthusiasm for their work and recreation is so contagious that they inspire others just by doing what they enjoy most.
What is my commitment as a mentor?
The mentor and mentee design their own relationship - how much time, what you talk about, and more. You can be available as a mentor by phone or email even if you live in Pennsylvania or out of state.
A mentor is a person who provides?
Academic Support
- Makes suggestions for improving study skills, habits, time and stress management skills.
- Teaches how to approach faculty and staff about course work, letters of recommendation, etc.
- Discusses graduate school options and experiences of attending graduate and/or professional schools.
- Demonstrates the benefits of a graduate education/degree.
- Guides and supports during the processes of: Selecting and enrolling in courses that meet requirements for the student's major. Deciding on research opportunities and/or internships, fellowships and financial aid.
Personal Development
- Provides friendships and guidance.
- Offers and alternative perspective.
- Introduces your mentee to positive role models who have gone through similar experiences.
- Assists with learning effective problem-solving skills.
- Assists with identifying his or her strengths and areas of improvement.
- Encourages goal setting and achievement of those goals.
Career Development
- Advice on career options. Discusses particular fields of interest.
- Shares experiences of working in the "real world".
- May take your mentee to work and having him/her "shadow" you for a day so that he or she can learn about a particular field.
- Guides and supports through the process of: Researching internships and summer positions with specific companies.
- Assisting in selecting specific companies to work for.
- Developing resumés and cover letters.
- Preparing for interviews.
- Introducing your student to a variety of information and resources to assist him or her in preparing for specific careers/jobs.
What is expected of me as a mentor?
- Help mentee acquire knowledge, information an skills that will smooth the mentees's transition to and out of Penn State University.
- Encourage the mentee to approach other people for information and develop his or her own network of resources.
- Help the mentee to become an active, self-directed problem solver.
- Willingness to have regular contact with the mentee.
- Interest in establishing a special relationship with a mentee.
- Willingness to attend mentoring events and/or plan recommended activities, which could enhance your mentoring relationship.
What is the reward of being a mentor?
- A rewarding experience in guiding a PSU student.
- A chance to help your Alma Mater and be connected to PSU.
- Interaction with other alumni.
- Help the mentee succeed.
How Do I Become A Mentor?
- You may become a mentor by emailing the Office of Alumni Relations ( or calling 610-396-6052. You will then be matched with a Penn State student.