students in engineering lab

Berks celebrates history through National Engineers Week

Penn State Berks is celebrating its history while preparing students for the future through National Engineers Week events and activities.
By: Lisa Baldi

In observation of National Engineers Week, Feb. 19–26, 2017, Penn State Berks, the premier engineering college in Berks County, is planning a variety of events and activities.

Monday, Feb. 20, 12:15–1:15 p.m., Perkins Student Center Multipurpose Room, Engineering Club Collaboration
Penn State Berks Engineers Week begins with presentations from the student chapters of three engineering clubs on campus (American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers & Aero Design, and Society of Women Engineers). Each club will give a 10-minute presentation. The event is open to the college community (students, faculty and staff).

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m., Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building Lobby, Industry Showcase
Students will have the opportunity to visit display booths, meet with representatives from local engineering companies, and discuss career opportunities in the engineering field. Participants include Brentwood Industries, Legendary Arms Works, Lutron, and Reading Bakery Systems. The event is open to the college community.

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 12:15–1:15 p.m., Room 121, Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building Lobby, Keynote Speaker
The college will host a keynote presentation titled “Engineers as Entrepreneurs” by Carl Godlove, an executive and leadership coach with 35 years experience in the engineering field. Formerly president and CEO of SSM Group, Inc., a multidisciplinary engineering and consulting firm, and vice president of software development at Stoner Associates, Inc., (now part of DNV GL), an engineering software firm, Godlove founded Godlove Group, LLC in 2016. This event is open to the college community and light refreshments will be served. 

Thursday, Feb. 23, 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m., Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building Lobby, Technology in Action
Various local companies, including Penn-Air & Hydraulics Corporation based in York, PA, will give a special presentation, open to the campus community. In addition, Classic Harley-Davidson of Reading will have motorcycles on display. 

Friday, Feb. 26, 1:00–3:00 p.m., Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building, Lobby, Student Competition: Lego MindStorms
Penn State Berks students will work in teams to compete in a Lego MindStorms competition titled “SumoBots”: a combination programmable Lego and “sumo wrestler” competition, developed by engineering faculty members.

High School Visits
Student from local high schools will visit the college Feb. 22–24, from 11:30 a.m.–2 p.m. to learn more about the college’s engineering degree programs. The program will begin with lunch and an overview in the Multipurpose Room of the Perkins Student Center, followed by a tour of engineering laboratories in the Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building. The day will end with the high school students participating in a problem-solving activity in room 137, Thun Library before departing at 2 p.m.

T-Shirt Design Contest and Poster Displays, Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building
Combining art and engineering, students were invited to create a t-shirt design, which will be used for next year’s Engineers Week t-shirts. This year, the shirts will feature the winning design from the 2016 Penn State Berks Engineers Week t-shirt contest. The shirts will be worn by members of the Penn State Berks Engineers Week Planning Committee and administrators and will be given to the winners of the student competition.

About Penn State Berks:

Penn State Berks offers a B.S. degree in Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology and a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering. Penn State Berks is the only college in Berks County to offer degree programs in engineering, and all classes are taught in the college’s state-of-the-art Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building. 

Building on its roots in the field of engineering, Wyomissing Polytechnic Institute (WPI) was the forerunner institution of Penn State Berks. WPI began as a training center for workers of Textile Machine Works in Reading and provided a solid background in engineering, as well as other technical fields of study. Many leaders of local industry are graduates of WPI. 

For more information about the Engineers Week events, contact Dr. Robert Zambanini, Coordinator of Penn State Berks Engineers Week, at 610-396-6178 or via e-mail at