The Lion of Leadership Award is granted to a deserving faculty and staff member each year. Please review the eligibility and judging criteria for each category (faculty or staff) below.
Lion of Leadership Award (Faculty)
- Must be a member of the faculty (full-time or part-time) at Penn State Berks whose primary responsibilities are related to the University’s teaching, research, and service mission.
- Must be in recognition of contributions during the 2024-25 academic year
Criteria for Judging
The successful candidate will have:
- Provided outstanding contributions to the leadership development of students; this should be primarily through service rather than primarily teaching and research
- Enhanced the quality of the student experience at Penn State Berks
- Consistently supported students above and beyond what is considered typical
- Provided positive reinforcement, encouragement, and support for students on their journey to reach their individual and/or collective goals
- Demonstrated their ability to be a role model for Penn State Values (Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, Discovery, Excellence, Community)
Lion of Leadership Award (Staff)
- Must be a member of the staff (may be either exempt or non-exempt) whose primary responsibilities are in administrative and support capacities.
- Must be in recognition of contributions during the 2024-25 academic year
- Nomination must submitted by a student
Criteria for Judging
The successful candidate will have:
- Provided outstanding contributions to the leadership development of students
- Enhanced the quality of the student experience at Penn State Berks
- Consistently supported students above and beyond what is considered typical
- Provided positive reinforcement, encouragement, and support for students on their journey to reach their individual and/or collective goals
- Demonstrated their ability to be a role model for Penn State Values (Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, Discovery, Excellence, Community)Nominate a faculty or staff membeR