student stories

Rogelio Flores headshot

Senior Spotlight: Rogelio Flores

When you meet Rogelio Flores, it’s hard to believe that he once considered dropping out of high school. The Reading High School graduate will cross the stage to earn his baccalaureate degree in electro-mechanical engineering technology, with a minor in entrepreneurship and innovation, at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 4, during the Penn State Berks spring commencement ceremony at the Santander Arena in Reading.
Robby Pearson

A Penn State graduate gives back

There’s a good reason why Penn State Berks student Robert “Robby” Pearson wants to give back after he graduates. “I have always wanted to help people; it came natural to me,” he said.
Bridget Baksa

Berks opened door to a world of opportunities for Baksa

When Bridget Baksa first came to Penn State Berks to study information sciences and technology, she said it was a “big step for her and a big learning curve.” But by challenging herself academically and personally, she found more than she could have hoped for.
Odhner and his fellow engineers prepare to launch their rocket.

'Rocket Man'

Kale Odhner and his fellow Penn State Berks students took their senior capstone project all the way to the "Sugar Shot to Space" in California’s Mojave Desert in hopes of breaking a world record for altitude with a sugar-fueled rocket.
Odhner and his fellow engineers prepare to launch their rocket.

'Rocket Man'

Kale Odhner and his fellow Penn State Berks students took their senior capstone project all the way to the "Sugar Shot to Space" in California’s Mojave Desert in hopes of breaking a world record for altitude with a sugar-fueled rocket.
Krisann Cruickshank

Cruickshank travels winding road to commencement

When Krisann Cruickshank was growing up in Jamaica, she never dreamed that she would someday graduate from Penn State. She will walk across the stage to receive her bachelor of science in criminal justice diploma at Penn State Berks' commencement ceremony at 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 5.