Berks Alumnus

Irv Cohen

Cohen, longtime campus supporter, passes away at 95

Penn State alumnus Irvin Cohen, 95, of Reading, passed away on Jan. 9, in his home surrounded by family. Irvin, known as “Irv” to all, is survived by his wife of 70 years, Lois. Both Irv and Lois Cohen have been long-time friends and supporters of Penn State Berks and the University.
Penn State alumni Gareth Yoder (Berks ’14) and Joy Beam (University Park ’17).

Berks Idea TestLab helps Cedar Meadow Meats

When Penn State alumni Gareth Yoder (Berks 2014) and Joy Beam (University Park 2017) came up with an idea for a business, they needed some direction about how to get started so they turned to the Penn State Berks Idea TestLab for assistance.
COVID Face shield

Berks alum designs face shield component for COVID-19

To help during the COVID-19 crisis, Penn State Berks alumnus and entrepreneur Joe Sinclair's Reading-based 3D-printer manufacturing business, Verde Mantis, has created a design that is being used to print the component of face shields that holds the translucent shield in place.
Schaylor's Brewery

Brew Crew

It’s 8 a.m. Josh Taylor and Lucan Schmidt, the co-founders of Schaylor Brewing Company, have already arrived at their Shillington brewery to prepare for the day, which may last until midnight or later.