Dear Alumni and Friends of Penn State,
It is an honor to serve as the president of the Berks County Chapter Alumni Association. Our chapter’s mission is to provide opportunities to network with other alumni and engage in initiatives that support the community.
As Penn Staters, we all possess the same pride, and with that pride comes fellowship. From our yearly golf outings and THON fundraisers to our away game tailgate parties, bus trips, and networking events, we hope you can find something that interests you. I invite you to join us on our journey. We are actively improving and expanding our existing scholarship, philanthropic, social, outreach and member programs and services. We look forward to new career programs and expansion of our scholarship programs for funding our endowment program. I encourage you to get involved with the chapter by becoming an active member as we cannot accomplish our mission without your help and participation. Please attend one of our events, consider volunteering, or join us on the board of directors.Stay healthy and be well, and always remember – WE ARE...PENN STATE!
Berks County Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association