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Careers with Math 2024

Berks celebrates STEM success by hosting 25th annual Careers with Math Options

Penn State Berks celebrated the 25th anniversary of its Careers with Math Options Conference on May 7. A record total of 200 seventh grade students and chaperones from 15 schools in and around the Berks County area attended the event. The mission of the event is to generate excitement for STEM topics early in young female students’ education. 
Lolita Paff poses with plaque and Neeli Bendapudi

Berks Professor Lolita Paff receives Eisenhower Award for Distinguished Teaching

Lolita Paff, associate professor of business and economics at Penn State Berks, is the recipient of Penn State’s 2024 Milton S. Eisenhower Award for Distinguished Teaching. The award is presented to only two faculty members annually. It is the most prestigious award that a faculty member can receive, recognizing excellence in teaching and student support.