Berks Faculty Achievement

Dr. Praveen Veerabhadrappa

Veerabhadrappa named Fellow

Praveen Veerabhadrappa, associate professor of kinesiology at Penn State Berks, has been elected as a Fellow of the International Society for Hypertension.
Library of Congress logo

Berks faculty awarded Library of Congress grant

Jessica Schocker and Justin De Senso were recently awarded a Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources grant. The grant, "Teaching Critical Race Theory with Primary Sources," will fund Schocker and De Senso’s co-teaching of SOC 205.
Head and shoulders photo of a man

Sanford recognized with PPA Outstanding Service Award

David L. Sanford, associate professor of ornamental horticulture at Penn State Berks, was recognized with the National Perennial Plant Association's Outstanding Service Award on July 30, at their annual symposium held in Chicago, Illinois.
Dr. Sadan Kulturel-Konak

Kulturel-Konak and Konak honored with Best All-Zones

A research paper co-authored by Sadan Kulturel-Konak and Abdullah Konak titled, "Assessment of Progressive Learning of Ethics in Engineering Students Based on the Model of Domain Learning," has been recognized as the American Society for Engineering Education Best All-Zones Paper.