The Learning Center offers experienced peer tutors who have excelled in their subjects. Each tutor is highly recommended by their professors and has achieved an A in the class they tutor.
Schedule an appointment today!
Students at Penn State Berks can book FREE in-person tutoring sessions (30 minutes per subject per day). We encourage you to schedule early and often to make the most of available support.
Booking an appointment is easy and free!
Don’t have an account? Registration is simple:
- Visit our online scheduling platform (or click the button above).
- Click “Register for an account.”
- Complete the fields under “Create a New Account.”
- Opt in for “Send an E-Mail” and “Text message Options.”
- Click “Register.”
No appointments available?
If there are no appointments available, please add your name to the waitlist. Click the clock icon next to the desired day on the schedule, fill out the form, and you will be notified if a time slot opens.
Important notices and relevant policies
Cancellation Policy: If you can’t make your appointment, please cancel as early as possible. To do this, sign in, select your appointment, and click “cancel appointment” at the bottom. Early cancellations help other students fill your spot. Thank you!
Account Deactivation Policy: If you have three no-show appointments in a semester, your account will automatically deactivate, preventing you from scheduling further appointments. Email to inquire about getting your account reactivated.